August 4, 2023

Upcoming Events

August at a Glance
We are excited about the new school year. There are many important events you won’t want to miss as we prepare to begin the year. Please click here to view these dates and events in August at Wheaton Academy.

CoachingConversations, Connections
The Center for Lifelong Learning is offering coaching for both parents and students providing space (in the Armour building) for conversations and connections before school starts.

45-minute sessions are available in August with certified executive functioning coach, Holly Taritas. She will provide executive functioning assessments for the parent and child. Great for middle school – high school.  If you are interested in starting the school year off strong by understanding why executive functioning skills matter sign up at Schedule – The Center for Lifelong Learning.

General News

Back to School Checklists
School begins Tuesday, August 22. Please be sure to visit the Back-to-School checklists to ensure you have completed all tasks before we start.
New families click here.
Returning families click here.

Last Chance for Senior Pictures
Lifetouch will return one final time for senior pictures on September 12 from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Click here for more information if you haven’t taken your photos yet.

Buy Your Books for 2023-2024
The bookstore is now live so if you haven’t done so already, please order your student’s books before the school year begins. Click here for a step-by-step process on how to order your books. Note to new students – you will want to make sure you pick up your Dell laptop from the Wheaton Academy IT office and set up your Wheaton Academy email – you will need this email to be able to purchase books.

One-Way Traffic Pattern on Campus
All traffic must enter campus only from Hawthorne and all traffic must exit only onto Prince Crossing. For more information about this traffic pattern, new drop-off/pick-up locations, and parking, please review the resources HERE:

Campus Map

Volunteer Corner

With construction underway, we have a new volunteer opportunity to help with our morning or afternoon drop-off and parking. Sign up to volunteer here.


Parents who have children planning to try out for any Fall Sports must have their student’s Athletic Packet and a valid physical uploaded onto Magnus.  On August 7, when tryouts begin, if they are missing either of these forms loaded onto Magnus they will not be allowed to try out.  This is very important and must be completed…No exceptions. 

Please make sure you have covered these two forms for your student.  Thank you!