Book Rental
Textbook Acquisition for 2024-2025 School Year
Families are responsible to purchase or rent books for their student(s). Wheaton Academy has worked with our bookstore company, eCampus, to provide each family a convenient option to purchase or rent books.
Families can shop for each student’s books using eCampus’ “Shop by Schedule” option on their website. Then, eCampus will ship the purchased or rented books directly to each family’s home. Here are some important things to note:
- Bookstore opens July 17
- All books must be shipped to your home, not Wheaton Academy.
- Shipping is free from July 17-24. After the first week, families will pay for their own shipping.
- Please order books by August 14 to ensure arrival before school begins on August 26.
- You must use your student’s Wheaton Academy email ( to order books.
- If you have more than one student at Wheaton Academy, you will need each student’s email and must log in separately for each student, as their schedule information automatically populates the customized booklist through their email.
We believe this option will provide an economic and streamlined process for families. Please email Jenn Trott with questions at

Let us help you Step-by-Step!
Ordering Books For New Students:
If your student didn’t take Summer Academy, stop by Wheaton Academy IT Department during regular office hours to pick up your student’s computer and login credentials to their student email.
You will need to set up the student email before you can buy books. Here is how to do so!
- Go to
- Click on the Book Rental Box.
- Click on the eCampus Bookstore:
- Click on “Shop by Schedule” button.
- Click on New Customer, “Create Account”.
- Create a password using your student’s Wheaton Academy email (
- A message will appear that says: “A customer with this email address already exists. Please enter a new email address or sign in as a returning customer.” This is a default security message.
- An email will go to your student’s Wheaton Academy ( email account to reset the password, so you will need to be able to access this email to set the eCampus password.
- Once the password is set, log in and scroll to the bottom of the page
- Under Textbooks, click “Order Textbooks”
- Your student’s schedule will appear with the required textbooks listed
- Note that with year-long courses, the books appear twice, once for each semester. You only need to rent/buy them once
- Scroll through books, select the books you want to purchase/rent, and choose the preferred condition. (If you have books from a previous sibling, you wouldn’t need to purchase/rent those books)
- Buy new
- Rent
- Buy used
- Visit Marketplace (to search for better pricing, if desired)
- Once you have chosen all of your books to buy/rent, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the box that says, “Add to Cart”
- A screen to review your cart will pop up
- Click on “Go to Cart”
- Click on “Proceed to Checkout”
- Complete student name
- Complete parent name and email
- Complete Shipping Address ****Must put your home address. Do not ship to Wheaton Academy
- Choose shipping method – Shipping is free for the first week the bookstore is live (July 10-17)
- Choose payment method
- Review your order
- Place your order
- To order books for your next student, log out, and log back in with the next student’s Wheaton Academy email and password.
- Follow the same process with each additional student
Ordering Books For Returning Students:
You must use your student’s Wheaton Academy ( email to order books from eCampus.
If you haven’t ordered textbooks from eCampus before, follow the New Student instructions for ordering textbooks
- Go to
- Click on the Book Rental Box
- Click on the eCampus Bookstore:
- If you don’t remember your eCampus password from last year, click “Forgot password” and an email will be sent to your student’s Wheaton Academy email to reset your password.
- Click on “Shop by Schedule” button
- Under Textbooks, click “Order Textbooks”
- Your student’s schedule will appear with the required textbooks listed
- Note that with year-long courses, the books appear twice, once for each semester. You only need to rent/buy them once
- Scroll through books and choose which ones you want to rent/buy. You have the following options to click on:
- Buy new
- Rent
- Buy used
- Visit the marketplace (to search for better pricing, if desired)
- Once you have chosen all of your books to buy/rent, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the box that says, “Add to Cart”
- A screen to review your cart will pop up
- Click on “Go to Cart”
- Click on “Proceed to Checkout”
- Complete student name
- Complete the parent name and email
- Complete Shipping Address ****Must put your home address. Do not ship to Wheaton Academy
- Choose shipping method – Shipping is free for the first week the bookstore is live (July 10-17)
- Choose payment method
- Review your order
- Place your order
- To order books for your next student, log out, and log back in with the next student’s Wheaton Academy email and password.
- Follow the same process with each additional student.
Here are some graphics with Instructions provided by eCampus
Some important things to note:
- Our faculty worked hard this year to update our booklists to ensure they only require books that will be used in class.
- The eCampus bookstore is the only place where you will find your student’s personal booklist which is required for each of their registered classes.
- Wheaton Academy will no longer facilitate book returns mid-semester or at the end of the year. All book returns will be handled by families individually, by printing a free return shipping label from your eCampus account. Affix this label to a box with the books and return via UPS.
- Books should be shipped directly to your home, not to Wheaton Academy. Be sure to promptly order all books by August 14 to ensure delivery by the first day of school (August 26, 2024.)
- If your student experiences a schedule change: There is a 30-day free return policy from the start of each semester at no cost to you. Parents will need to print the return shipping label from your eCampus account and mail the book back to eCampus. If your student enrolls in a new class, it will be your responsibility to purchase/rent any books for the new class.
- It is imperative your student’ schedule is finalized before you order books.
- There will no longer be a book fee charged to your Tuition account in the month of September.