June 16, 2023
Upcoming Events
Senior Pictures for the Class of 2024
June 26: 10 am – 3:30 pm
June 27: 9 am – 3:30 pm
June 28: 9 am- 3:30 pm
June 29: 9 am – 2:30 pm
Alumni White Chapel
Lifetouch will be here to take Senior Pictures for the Class of 2024! Seniors can make appointments directly through Lifetouch. They will send you an email regarding appointments. Senior Portrait Retakes Dates & Times: July 26 (10 am – 3:30 pm) & July 27 (9 am – 2:30 pm).
General News
How to Buy Your Books for 2023-2024
Our book process is different for next school year. Each family will be responsible for purchasing their own books and having them delivered to your home. The bookstore goes live on July 12. Click here for a step-by-step process on how to order your books. Note to new students – you will want to make sure you pick up your Dell laptop for the Wheaton Academy IT office and set up your Wheaton Academy email – you will need this email to be able to purchase books.
Summer Office Hours
Wheaton Academy’s offices will be open in June from 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and in July from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with the following exceptions:
Monday, June 19 offices closed for Juneteenth.
Monday & Tuesday, July 3 & 4 offices are closed for Independence Day.
July 7,14, 21, and 28 offices closed on Fridays in July.
One-Way Traffic Pattern on Campus has Started
Construction has begun and so has the new, one-way traffic pattern. All traffic must enter campus only from Hawthorne and all traffic must exit only onto Prince Crossing. For more information about this traffic pattern, new drop-off/pick-up locations, and parking, please review the resources HERE: https://families.wheatonacademy.org/construction/.

Volunteer Corner
Summer Serve
Come and serve at Wheaton Academy this summer! Summer Serve provides an opportunity to volunteer in a variety of capacities, make an impact on the presentation of our school facilities, and help with projects to control costs to allow for a smooth transition into the fall. Summer serve will be June 19-21 and July 10-12. You can sign up for just a day, or come for more, as we get the school ready for the next school year! If those dates don’t work with your schedule you can also suggest dates you are available to serve. Sign up using this form to join us this summer.
Youth Summer Camps hosted at Wheaton Academy
As we prepare for Summer 2023, we invite families in our community to join the youth summer camps hosted on our campus. Click here to review the camps and register!
High School Summer Camp Registration
The High School summer camp registration link is now online and available for you to sign your child up for all the High School camps offered this coming summer. You may click here to register. Hurry before all the slots are filled!