January 24, 2025
Upcoming Events
Spiritual Life Week
February 3-7, 2025
Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. Psalm 80:3
Speaker Dr. Thomas WestThomas West is our speaker for Spiritual Life Week and will challenge us toward spiritual awakening and renewal. Dr. West is the Senior Pastor of Nashville First Baptist Church and an adjunct professor of theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. A former church planter in London, he is passionate about equipping followers of Jesus to live out the gospel in today’s world. A native of Montgomery, Alabama, he completed his undergraduate studies at Auburn University and earned both a Master of Divinity and a Ph.D. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. His academic research focuses on the writings of Lesslie Newbigin and the theology of mission to Western culture. Along with Trevin K. Wax, Dr. West coauthored “The Gospel Way Chatecism: 50 Truths That Take On the World,” which is set to release in July. He’s married to Elizabeth and they have two children and one energetic English Maltipoo. We are excited to host Thomas as he speaks and ministers to our Wheaton Academy community.
Spiritual Life Week Schedule
There are a few other events to be aware of in addition to chapels each day. Monday through Thursday, we will host Q and A lunches with our speaker in the White Chapel. These are opportunities to ask questions about chapel messages and to have deeper discussions toward application. Monday evening from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm, we will host a Parent Night in the Student Union. Dr. West will offer some perspective on parenting that says yes to the Gospel, not just no to the world. There will also be some time for Q and A. Lastly, there will be a worship night Thursday from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm in the White Chapel. The following schedule gives a snapshot of the teaching and discussion throughout the week.
Monday, February 3
Chapel – “Awaken” What’s happening in the world around us? What are the cultural narratives and movements that compete with the heart of the Gospel?
Lunch – Chapel Q and A. What human longings is our culture trying to address?
Parent Night 7:00-8:30 pm, Student Union – Parenting that says yes to the Gospel, not just no to the world. Q and A with Dr. West.
Tuesday, February 4
Chapel – “Awaken” What is God’s intention for His people and the church? How do we reflect the heart of the Gospel in every aspect of our lives?
Lunch – Chapel Q and A. How does the Gospel address our human longings?
Wednesday, February 5
Chapel – “Awaken” What are the marks of spiritual renewal? How do we know we need revival?
Lunch – Chapel Q and A. What are the habits and disciplines that lead us to spiritual renewal?
Thursday, February 6
Chapel – “Awaken” What are the barriers to spiritual renewal? Identifying the idols of the heart. How does spiritual apathy lead to idolatry?
Lunch – Chapel Q and A. How do we let go of our idols and live lives of confession and repentance?
Worship Night 7:00 pm-8:00 pm in the White Chapel.
Friday, February 7
Worship Chapel – Awakening gratitude and commitment.
Please click here for the week’s bell schedule.
Visionary Family Seminar: Father-Daughter Connect
Saturday, February 8
9:30-11:00 am
Student Union
Attention fathers and daughters! The father-daughter relationship is of the utmost importance, but maintaining a strong connection through the teen years can be challenging. Join Rob Rienow and his daughter Lissy Bailey for this engaging and important time together.
Sock Hop
Saturday, February 15
7:00-10:00 pm
Mark your calendars for our Spring Sock Hop – Saturday, February 15 from 7-10 pm. There will be swing dance lessons and roller skating in the Field House, a live band, and an old-fashioned soda shop. More information is coming soon!
General News
Preparing for the 2025-2026 School Year: Returning Student Class Registration and Re-Enrollment Deposit
All parents of current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors need to complete two important steps to prepare for the next school year:
1. Pay a $350 re-enrollment deposit through OnCampus by February 28. You can find step-by-step instructions for submitting your deposit here: https://families.wheatonacademy.org/re-enrollment/
2. Mark your calendar and attend this year’s Registration Meetings for your student! Meetings begin February 28 through March 10.
Please contact Jean Ann Parker (studentaccounts@wheatonacademy.org) if you have any questions about completing the re-enrollment deposit.
If you choose to opt-out for the 2025-2026 academic year and wish to no longer attend Wheaton Academy, please contact Brittany Klenke (bklenke@wheatonacademy.org) in writing no later than February 28, 2025, to avoid being billed the re-enrollment deposit.
The Center for Lifelong Learning
Start the spring semester off right! The Center has a variety of offerings to support you and your student in your unique needs.
Upcoming Events & Classes The first sessions of our ACT and SAT classes are starting soon. Sign up now to secure your spot!
Spring Test Preparation Classes January – February
Equip your student for success on critical standardized tests! Course registration is $550 for 12 hours of instruction. Select from our in-depth courses on either the ACT or SAT.
SAT Classes Mondays @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Spring Session 1 (Jan-Mar): 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 3/10, 3/17
Spring Session 2 (Apr-May): 4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19
ACT Classes Saturdays @ 10 am-12 pm
Spring Session 1 (Feb-Mar): 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15
Spring Session 2 (Mar-May): 3/22, 4/12, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17
Individualized Test Preparation Sessions are offered year-round!
Start-of-the-Semester Support Individualized academic coaching based on your schedule.
Subject-Specific & AP-Level Coaching Support your student’s classroom learning and sign up for a session with a qualified coach in any subject area, freshman English through AP Calculus.
Student-Success Coaching Individualized coaching will help your student utilize executive functioning skills to get organized, prepare a study plan, and manage stress.
Accommodations Does your student have an ISP? If they need a test reader or scribe, the Center will partner with Student Services to provide the support your student needs.
Interested in our other offerings? We offer single sessions, packages, and group courses in a variety of areas. View our website and scheduling page for more information.
Don’t see a time or offering that works for you? Let us know at thecenter@wheatonacademy.org, and we will work with you to meet your needs!