February 24, 2023

Upcoming Events

Parent Seminar with John Stonestreet
Monday, February 27
Fine Arts Center
7:30 p.m.
Please join us for what is sure to be an inspiring evening with John Stonestreet as he helps parents equip their children to think biblically about current cultural issues. John is a respected voice in the Christian community who will provide insight and encouragement to parents and grandparents of K-12 children as we navigate cultural hot topics such as identity, substance abuse, LGBTQ issues, and more. This will be an evening you won’t want to miss!

WA Women’s Tuesday Prayer
Upcoming WA Women’s Prayer on Tuesday,  March 7 & 21. Let us exalt His name together! We invite you to join this time in prayer for our junior class, our own students, & this school community. Hope to see you at Luz Vergara’s place in the Armour Building. Contact Mary Miller at marym996.mac@mac.com.

Upcoming Modified Bell Schedules

Monday, February 27 (Half day of school)
8:00 – 8:30         Period 1
8:35 – 9:05         Period 2
9:10 – 9:40         Period 3
9:45 – 10:15       Period 4
10:20 – 10:50      Period 5
10:55 – 11:25      Period 6
11:30 – 12:00      Period 7

Wednesday, March 1
9:00 – 10:15    Period 1
10:21 – 11:36     Period 2
11:40 – 12:19    Lunch
12:25 – 1:39      Period3
1:45-3:00        Period 4

Thursday, March 2
8:00 – 9:05     Period 5
9:10 – 10:15      Period 6
10:20 – 11:25    Period 7
11:25 – 12:00    Lunch
12:00               Student Musical Performance

Friday, March 3
Off-Campus Learning Day and Countywide Inservice Day

Friday, March 10
No School for Middle School Workshops & Matinee

General News

Returning Student Registration
Returning Registration sign-up is live on our website. Please sign up for a time to meet with Student Services staff or a faculty member to register your student for classes for next year.

Students received their course registration sheets this past Tuesday. Make sure you bring those to your registration meeting.

Service Project Club
The Service Project club will be collecting diapers in collaboration with Caring Network from February 23-March 3. Sizes 1,2,3 are needed but any size will be accepted for donation. Diapers can be dropped off in Mr. Bowling’s room (113) and Mrs. Rinker’s room (121) in Academy Hall. Any questions, please contact Mr. Bowling.

Christian College Fair
Monday, March 13
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Please join us on Monday, March 13 for the Christian College Fair. Over 30 different Christian colleges from around the country will be in attendance. Please register in advance by clicking here and scanning the barcode.

2022-2023 Yearbook
It is time to order the 2022-2023 yearbook! Please click here to place your order. Yearbooks are only available to order through the Jostens website. If you are placing a senior ad for your graduating senior you DO NOT have to order one, as it is already included in the ad cost.

Senior Ads for Yearbooks!
Parents – Senior yearbook ads will again be available for purchase this year for $150 per quarter-page ad. If you order a senior ad, you do not need to order a yearbook through the Jostens website as that fee is included in the $150.  The deadline for the ads is March 11. To purchase an ad, you will need to follow this link and select the size you would like to create. More information is explained within your purchase options. You will then need to send your ad’s content (both pictures and written messages) in a single email to yearbook@wheatonacademy.org. You may click here for an example of the ad size and layout. The yearbook staff will gladly design the ad for you after confirmation of receipt of these two things! Any questions? Please email yearbook@wheatonacademy.org. Thank you!

Spring ACT/SAT Group Class
Registration for the spring ACT/SAT group class is now open. This group class will be a comprehensive overview of both college admission tests and will include tips and strategies as well as how to apply them to practice test questions. There will be some homework given. The classes lead right up to the April 12 PSAT/SAT and the April 15 ACT.

Dates for the class: Mondays – February 27, March 6, 3, & 20, April 3 & 10
6:00 pm-8:00 pm in the Wheaton Academy library.
Materials will be provided.
Register at thecenterforlifelonglearning.org. Your payment is your registration.

Junior Parents – SAT on Wednesday, April 12
Your student will take the SAT test on Wednesday, April 12. More details will be shared closer to testing day, but there are free resources to help your student prepare! College Board has leveled the playing field, giving all students access to tutoring in their weakest areas at no cost. It is up to the student to go online and practice for the spring SAT. Your student can strengthen essential skills for standardized testing with free personalized practice on Khan Academy®. Please click the link for specific directions on how to link your student’s fall PSAT NMSQT score to the practice exams. As a parent, you might consider asking your student to add you to their College Board account so you can monitor their practice. You may want to set a goal for your student to log a certain amount of practice time between semesters and over the summer. Some parents may consider rewarding this time since higher test scores translate to increased college financial aid. Please reach out to Kermit Ellison or Bart Gregersen with questions.

Volunteer Corner

Food for Musical Intermission
We are excited about Fiddler on the Roof coming to WA in March! Please check our Sign-up Genius link for opportunities to bring food for our intermission. We need cookies, rice krispies, and grapes for our five performances. Thanks for being part of this exciting event.

WA Appreciation Team
There is a group of parent volunteers who organize blessings for the faculty and staff on behalf of ALL Wheaton Academy parents. They are currently planning the Faculty and Staff Appreciation luncheon in April and are seeking your support to make this event possible. Please click here for information to learn about their efforts and provide a monetary gift that will be used for this special day. If you are able to volunteer on April 21 please click here to sign up to serve that day.

Athletics Corner

Spring Sports
If your child is trying out for an upcoming spring sport, please make sure that he/she has an updated Athletic Packet and Physical uploaded into Magnus. He/she will not be allowed to try out on February 27 (all sports except Boys Volleyball, which is March 6) if these two items are not uploaded into Magnus. Go onto the Magnus page and make sure these are completed.

Spring Team Photos are scheduled for Wednesday, March 8.  Forms will be sent home with your child from their coach.     

WA Trivia Night to Support Athletics
Saturday, March 18
6:00 p.m. Doors Open

The Booster Club is hosting its first-ever Trivia Night! Come out for a wholesome night of fun that also helps our student-athletes. This event is open to adults: Wheaton Academy families/friends/alums and members of the larger community. Register as a team (table of up to 8) or as an individual to compete for prizes (Top Three Trivia Buffs and Top Table Themes) and bid on silent auction items. All participants receive a 2023-24 Booster membership ($100 value).
Register Now: https://bngn.blackbaud.school/?id=wsu5qafcu2n
Looking for additional ways to support/sponsor this event? Contact Brad Byrne (bbyrne@wheatonacademy.org).

High School Summer Camp Registration
The High School summer camp registration link is now online and available for you to sign your child up for all the High School camps offered this coming summer.  You may click here to register. Hurry before all the slots are filled!