The 2020-2021 Roadmap for a Return to Campus

As we approach the school year, let’s commit to pray for each other, and to consider the concerns and needs of each other as well as our own. This year will feel a bit different than others, but we are committed to making it an exceptional one with a special emphasis on health and wellbeing for all.

Dear Wheaton Academy Parents,

As promised, here is the next part of our plan to begin the 2020-2021 school year on August 19.  We trust that this specific information will provide the clarity you need for the year ahead. We are grateful to so many of you for offering your support and encouragement as we have put this plan together.  Your support is the reason we believe we can carry such a plan which prioritizes the health and well-being of our school community.

We ask that each of you read this roadmap with your students and spend some time talking about the importance of adhering to these guidelines so that every student on campus will have the best chance at remaining on campus for the entire year. We really want to keep student exposure low so that students will not need to be out of school for a quarantine period.

Although we have spent a great deal of time over the last few months putting this plan together, COVID-19 is not our theme or focus for the year.  We have spent much more time (167 years!) working to accomplish the mission of Wheaton Academy—“To nurture growth in students through relationships, excellence and service to the glory of God.” Our core mission has not changed, and our “Living Curriculum Teachers” are as enthused as ever to walk this challenging journey alongside our students.

Our commencement ceremony last weekend demonstrated that we can have great experiences if we all commit to following guidelines that have been established for us.  God will see us through this, and we believe that He will work powerfully in the lives of students at Wheaton Academy this year as He has since 1853!

Soli Deo Gloria,
Steve Bult

Our Plan

We Will Be Together All Day, Every Day

On Campus and Remote

We Offer On-Campus and Remote Learning Options

State of IL

We Are Following State Guidelines

In case you wanted to revisit Part 1 of our plan, you can find it here.