Health Services
The Wheaton Academy Health Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on days when school is in session. The direct line to our School Nurse, Mrs. Jennifer Seznov is 630-562-7504.
Absence Procedure
Any time a student does not attend school, the parent is responsible to notify the school attendance line (630-562-7500, then press 1) before 9:00 a.m. If we have not heard from the parent by 9:00 a.m., the office staff will attempt to contact the parents as soon as possible. We want to be sure that any student not at school is accounted for by the parents. If a student arrives late, he/she should report to the attendance person in the main office with a note explaining the reason for being late. An explanatory note or prior phone call is a prerequisite for the partial day absence being excused. A student must be in attendance three periods of the day or 2 on a block day (excluding lunch) to be involved in any school activities that take place that day. Exceptions may be requested for unavoidable absences (funerals, delayed medical appointments, etc.) that do not allow attendance in a minimum of three classes.
Your student should stay home if any of these symptoms are present:
- Fever of 100.0 degrees or higher
- Nausea or vomiting
- Skin rash or sores
- Reddened, swollen or watery eyes, and/or conjunctivitis
- Red or swollen joints
- Diarrhea
- Excessive coughing or sneezing
- A sore throat
If your child has a fever, he/she should be kept home until the temperature has been normal for 24 hours without the aid of medication. Children on antibiotic therapy for any infection must have completed a 24-hour course of medication before returning to school. A child sent home with a fever should not return to school the following day. Students should remain home if they have vomited or experienced nausea or diarrhea during the night.
Attendance restrictions due to contagious illness are as follows:
Strep throat and other strep infections (including scarlet fever)
- The child should remain out of school for a minimum of 24 hours after treatment with antibiotics has begun.
- The child should remain out of school until all skin eruptions have crusted over; this involves a minimum of six days after the appearance of the first vesicles.
- The child may return to school when he or she has been under treatment for 24 hours when all symptoms have disappeared or with a written note from a physician stating that the child is not contagious.
Head lice
- Please contact the nurse if your student develops head lice.
Please read Wheaton Academy’s Allergy Guidelines.
All contagious diseases must be reported to the nurse as soon as possible. We are required to report certain communicable diseases to the DuPage County Health Department. To ensure compliance with this mandate, we ask that you call the school if your child has been diagnosed with any of the following:
- Chicken Pox
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Encephalitis
- Fifths Disease
- German Measles
- Head Lice
- Hepatitis A, B, C
- Pin Worms
- Meningitis
- Mumps
- Red Measles
- Scabies
- Strep Infections
- Tuberculosis
- Food-borne illnesses such as Campylobacter, E-Coli, or salmonella