September 20, 2019

Upcoming Events

Warrior Preview Night
Friday, September 27
7:00 p.m.
Future Warriors – please join us at our Warrior Preview Night on Friday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. The Wheaton Academy football team will play Christ the King at 7:30 p.m. Come hang out with us on campus, enjoy this athletic event, and learn about our co-curricular opportunities – everything is on us!

Registration is on our website at

General News

Homecoming Student Events
Student Council would like to invite all students to the 2019 Homecoming Fall Informal, on October 5 at 7:00 p.m. There will be multiple food trucks, street games, caramel apples, pumpkin decorating, and a country band. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, September 23 for $20.00. Tickets at the door will be $25.00. Students may pick up a form at the front desk to bring a friend from another school. The evening will conclude at 9:30 p.m. Also, see the attached calendar for other events happening this week including our service project and our all family and friend tailgate party on October 3!

Homecoming Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help with alumni events over the Homecoming weekend (October 4-6). We are especially in need of people to help serve and clean-up at the Alumni Dinner and Dessert Reception on Friday, October 4. Your service is a blessing to our WA alumni. We need volunteers for the following events:

  • Friday, October 4 (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)- Set-up/ decorating for Alumni Dinner
  • Friday (5:00-8:30 p.m.) -Serving/clean-up at the Alumni Dinner
  • Friday (8:00-10:30 p.m.) – Serving/clean-up for the Alumni Dessert Reception
  • Saturday, October 5 (10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.) – Clean-up Heritage Breakfast

If you would be willing to help with any of the above activities, please contact Director of Alumni Relations Dawn Earl at 630-562-7510 and let her know your interest and availability.

On Thursday, October 3, Project LEAD Global invites the Wheaton Academy community to an all-school tailgate event before the Homecoming Football game starting at 5:00 p.m. Everyone is invited for a night of tacos, games, fun, football, powderpuff, and Homecoming activities for all ages! All proceeds will go towards the children the Wheaton Academy community sponsors in the DR and Haiti. A minimum donation of $5 gets you all this fun!

College Corner

AP Exam Registration
Please note that due to changes in the College Board’s AP Registration process, AP exams must now be ordered in the fall. Students were given a join code by their AP teachers to access important information, practice exams, and to register for their AP test(s) on the College Board website. Students that joined the class were automatically registered to take the test unless they indicated otherwise. Students that have not joined a class on the College Board website should do so ASAP, by getting the join code from their teachers.  Students who are interested in taking the AP exam, but are not enrolled in the class should see Ms. Reynolds. The deadline for test registration is November 1, 2019. This deadline is for registration only, and no money is currently due. The deadline for payment for the AP exams is February 3, 2020. Please use the following link to pay for your AP Exams. A late fee of$ 25 will be assessed for exams paid for after the February 3 deadline. Furthermore, there will be a $40 College Board fee for all exams canceled after the November 1 deadline, regardless if they were paid for or not. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Davona Reynolds the AP Exam Coordinator.

Financial Aid Night at Wheaton Academy
Wheaton Academy will host Paul Daly on Monday, September 30, at 7:00 p.m. in the Library.  Please join us as he speaks on “College Financial Aid: Get Your Fair Share or Making Mistakes.”

The ACT is offered at Wheaton Academy on Saturday, October 26.  The registration deadline for the October test is today, September 20.  The late registration period is September 21 – October 4. WA is also a test center in April.


All-Access Pass
Wheaton Academy Athletics has made it exciting for everyone to attend all sporting events for the year,  and get in FREE!  We are supplying each family with an All-Access Pass that will allow everyone in your family to come and cheer on all our athletic teams for FREE! This was announced at the Fall Kickoff Meeting; however, if you did not have a child participating in a fall sport, you may not have heard this great announcement!!  If you would like your All-Access Pass before out next home football game on September 27, please come to the Athletic Office Monday-Friday from the hours of 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and pick up your All-Access Pass!   If you can’t make it to our office, pick it up at the admissions table at the football game.  It is a pleasure to offer this great news to all our school families, and hope it will provide a great atmosphere at all our sporting events!

Wheaton Academy Boosters
A big thank you to those who have signed up for the 2019-2020 Booster Club.  We are so excited for ways the Boosters are contributing to an amazing athletic year already!  Be a part of this select group by signing up for membership (all donations are tax-deductible and go directly to our Athletic Department) and or by volunteering at our events throughout the year.  All Booster Club members should plan to join us for complimentary food/drinks during halftime of the varsity football game during homecoming week.  When you sign up, be on the lookout for the Booster Club Tent during Homecoming! To become a Booster now, click here.