June 25, 2021
Upcoming Events
Wheaton Academy Summer Office Hours & Summer WA Weekly
Monday – Friday
7:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Fridays: All Offices Closed
Independence Day observed, Monday, July 5, offices closed.
The WA Weekly will be published on July 15 and July 29.
Kick-off for the NEW School Year!
For the 2021-2022 school year, we will have a kick-off for the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior classes!
Incoming Freshmen will have a day called “Freshman Launch” on Tuesday, August 17. This event will be on the Wheaton Academy’s campus! Be sure to attend and receive all the details about the Freshman year experience! Keep an eye out for more details to come later this summer.
Sophomores and Juniors, mark your calendars for August 15-16! Each class will have its own retreat that Sunday-Monday in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin! This is going to be a fun and informational reboot for the new school year. More details to come at a later date. We hope you have a great summer and look forward to seeing you in August!
General News
Book Rentals for 2021-2022 – Textbook Acquisition Form in Magnus
For the 2021-2022 school year, each family will be required to indicate whether they wish to OPT-IN to ALL ACCESS and have Wheaton Academy place the book rental orders for them or OPT-OUT and purchase/rent all books on their own. This Textbook Acquisition Form is located with all the other Back-to-School forms in Magnus. The textbook form needs to be completed by July 26, 2021. Your family will automatically be placed in the OPT-IN category if the form is not completed by July 26, and your Smart Tuition account will be billed in September. You must complete the form for each student who is enrolled. Please contact Jenn Trott with any questions. Booklists will be available on the Wheaton Academy website beginning July 9.
OnCampus Login Changes Coming July 8
Parents, on July 8, your OnCampus login will be changing to be more secure. You will receive an email from wheatonacademy@myschoolapp.com with an invitation to create a Blackbaud ID, or you will be prompted to re-register at your next login attempt. OnCampus remains the same; it is only your login password that will need to be reset.
Fall Schedule Changes
The deadline for schedule changes is August 4. Student Services will not make any more schedule changes until after the first day of school, and those changes will be limited. Contact Angie Roberts in Student Services to make any changes or work out conflicts.
WA Service Team 2021-2022 Sign-Ups
Click here to see the service opportunities available and click here to sign-up!
College Corner
ACT Class
Is your student planning on taking the September 11 ACT? The Wheaton Academy Tutoring Center offers a small group class that leads right up to September 11, with a special “Night Before” review on September 10. We will cover tips and strategies for all areas of the ACT and go over effective ways to practice at home. There will be homework between each class.
Cost: $410 (materials provided)
Place: Wheaton Academy
Dates: Tuesdays (6:00-8:00 p.m.) August 10, 17, 24, 31, September 7, and a special “Night Before” review on Friday, September 10.
Spots are limited, so don’t delay! (Your payment is your registration.) Register at wa-tutoring.org/payments.
Corporate Sponsors
The Wheaton Academy Athletic Department is now looking for corporate sponsors. We have four packages as well as a build-your-own package. To learn more about how this benefits both your company and Wheaton Academy Athletics, please email sid@wheatonacademy.org.
Fall Sports
We are excited to have sports being played again and look forward to the upcoming fall sports season! As we look ahead, we want to give you information about the upcoming Fall Sports seasons:
- First Day Of Tryouts– All Fall sports will begin on Monday, August 9, 2021.
As in the past, all athletes must have a new physical and the athletic packet completed and uploaded onto Magnus in order to participate on the first day of tryouts. You can log in to Magnus through your OnCampus account. Once you are in Magnus, you will also find a printable Athletic Packet form on this site to print, complete and upload.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Dawn Hamm in the Athletic Department at 630-562-7565.