June 2, 2023
Upcoming Events
Baccalaureate Service
Friday, June 2
7:00 p.m.
Fine Arts Center
Dessert Reception in Atrium after the Service
Please join us this evening for a time of worship and prayer over our graduating seniors. Cap and gowns will not be worn during Baccalaureate however if you want to bring them for photo opportunities you are welcome to do so. A friend of Wheaton Academy, Molly Grace, is an amazing photographer and is offering FREE cap and gown pictures in front of the white Alumni Chapel before Baccalaureate from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Just walk over to the white chapel before the ceremony for photos. Each student will receive an emailed download gallery of their photos. You can see how amazing she is here: https://www.mollygracephotography.com/ .Use this form to let us know if you’re coming: https://wheaton.typeform.com/to/ALDop3xV. Registration is not required, but your RSVP helps us to anticipate you!
Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, June 4
3:00 p.m.
Wheaton College, Edman Chapel
We are excited for the commencement ceremony at Edman Chapel, on the Wheaton College campus. Students are to arrive at 2:15 p.m. Doors will open at this time as well. There are no tickets necessary. (Wheaton Academy Commencement is not a production of Wheaton College).
Coffee with The Center for Lifelong Learning
Thursday, June 8 (first day of Summer Academy)
8:00 am
Wheaton Academy Library
Enjoy some coffee and meet with Cheryl Koslosky, the director of The Center, and Holly Taritas, Executive Functioning Coach, to learn more about what The Center has to offer.
General News
Last Day to Return Book Bundle Today!
Friday, June 2
7:30 am – 12:00 pm
For families that rented the book bundle, please make sure your student returns their books today in the Commons. Books returned after today will be charged a late fee. Please see Jenn Trott with questions.
You may also return your books on your own. For directions on how to do this, please click here.
Technology Update – Last Day to Return Surfaces is Today!
After every four years, we update our student technology, so Wheaton Academy will no longer use the Microsoft Surface Pro 6 for student-assigned laptops. This year we are pleased to offer the option of keeping the Surface Pro for a fee of $75; simply keep the laptop, and the fee will be charged to your Tuition Management account. Students who do not return the laptop, keyboard, and charger in good condition by noon on Friday, June 2, will be charged the $75 fee. Please note that software licenses for Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud are not included. Those will stop working. Students are best served by factory resetting their Surface Pro (in Settings, Update & Security, Recovery) and using a personal Microsoft account. Questions? Please contact Bob Vishanoff at bobvishanoff@wheatonacademy.org or 630 562 7554.
ALL Families: 2023-2024 Tuition payments due June 5
The first tuition payment for the 2023-2024 school year is due June 5. On May 17, families should have received their invoice email notification from customerservice@blackbaud.school. Families on ACH payments will receive an email prior to debit 10 days before the due date.
Please email sdede@wheatonacademy.org if you have any questions regarding the invoiced amount or would like to change your payment plan.
- Three payment plan options are available: 1-payment, 2-payments, and 12-payments. Multiple payment plans have financing fees: $175 for a 2-payment plan, and $380 for a 12-payment plan.
If you would like to change your payment method or bank account, please contact BB customer service at 888-868-8828.
New One-Way Traffic Pattern on Campus Starting June 5
We wanted to make you aware of some upcoming changes to our campus as construction begins to make way for exciting updates. Our campus will have a new, one-way traffic pattern during this season of construction: all traffic must enter campus only from Hawthorne and all traffic must exit only onto Prince Crossing. For more information about this traffic pattern, new drop-off/pick-up locations, and parking, please review the resources HERE: https://families.wheatonacademy.org/construction/. This traffic pattern begins Monday, June 5.

Summer Office Hours
Wheaton Academy’s offices will be open in June from 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., and in July from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. with the following exceptions:
Monday, June 19 offices closed for Juneteenth.
Monday & Tuesday, July 3 & 4 offices closed for Independence Day.
July 7,14, 21, and 28 offices closed on Fridays in July.
Summer Academy
Summer Academy starts Thursday, June 8. Teachers and room numbers will be posted in the Atrium and in Student Services on the first day. If you have not received any information regarding Summer Academy and had planned on your student taking summer classes, please contact Angie Roberts, aroberts@wheatonacademy.org, as soon as possible.
The lunch hour will be from 12:00 to 1:00 pm each day for all classes. Students can purchase their lunch with their Pushcoin account. If you have not received your Pushcoin code to set up an account, please contact Angie Roberts. Instructions regarding Pushcoin setup may be found here: https://families.wheatonacademy.org/food-services/pushcoin/. Students may also bring their own lunch.
Workshop During Summer Academy
The Center for Lifelong Learning is hosting a new workshop being offered to students at lunchtime on Wednesdays from 12:15-12:45 during summer school (June 14, 21, 28). The workshop will focus on executive functioning strengths and weaknesses for lifelong learning. If you are interested in the workshop sign up at: Schedule – The Center for Lifelong Learning
Summer Serve
Come and serve at Wheaton Academy this summer! Summer Serve provides an opportunity to volunteer in a variety of capacities, make an impact on the presentation of our school facilities, and help with projects to control costs to allow for a smooth transition into the fall. Summer serve will be June 19-21 and July 10-12. You can sign up for just a day, or come for more, as we get the school ready for the next school year! If those dates don’t work with your schedule you can also suggest dates you are available to serve. Sign up using this form to join us this summer.
Ivy Propagation
Do you have a green thumb? We would like to propagate as much of the Academy Hall ivy as possible to save for future use. If you have any interest in helping with the propagation process, please contact Rachel Chaney.
Friends of Wheaton Academy Israel Trip
We are planning an adult trip to Israel in the Spring of 2024. If you are interested in attending, please see the letter from Steve Bult by clicking here.
College Corner
ACT/SAT Prep Class
Registration for the JUNE ACT/SAT Prep Class is now open. This group class will be a comprehensive overview of both college admission tests and will include tips and strategies as well as how to apply them to practice test questions. There will be some homework given. Materials will be provided.
Dates for the class: 9:00 am-11:00 am Mondays and Wednesdays in June (June 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28). Register at thecenterforlifelonglearning.org. Your payment is your registration.
Youth Summer Camps hosted at Wheaton Academy
As we prepare for Summer 2023, we invite families in our community to join the youth summer camps hosted on our campus. Click here to review the camps and register!
High School Summer Camp Registration
The High School summer camp registration link is now online and available for you to sign your child up for all the High School camps offered this coming summer. You may click here to register. Hurry before all the slots are filled!