July 31, 2020
General News
Book Rentals for 2020-2021 – Textbook Acquisition Form in Magnus
For the 2020-2021 school year, each family will be required to indicate whether they wish to OPT-IN to ALL ACCESS and have Wheaton Academy place the book rental orders for them or OPT-OUT and purchase/rent all books on their own. This Textbook Acquisition Form is located with all the other Back-to-School forms in Magnus. The textbook form needs to be completed by August 1, 2020. If the form is not completed, your family will automatically be placed in the OPT-IN category, and your Smart Tuition account will be billed in September. You must complete the form for each student who is enrolled. Please contact Jenn Trott with any questions.
Book Lists for Families who OPT-OUT
If you choose to OPT-OUT of Wheaton Academy purchasing your book order for you and plan to rent/buy your own books, the book list are available. You will need to go to Community, Students & Families, and click on the eCampus Bookstore link at the left side of the page. Once you get to the bookstore, you will either create an account if you are a first time user, or go to the Sign-in button under My Account. Your login is your student’s wascholar email (i.e., firstname.lastname@wascholar.org), and you will need to create a password or request a new one to begin. You may then search for course names to see which books are needed for your student’s schedule. You do not need to rent/buy the books from eCampus. However, this is the location where you will find the books for each course. Please remember to complete the Textbook Acquisition Form by August 1, 2020, to avoid being charged a second time for books.
Instrumental Music Retreat – Saturday, August 15
Parents of Band, Orchestra, and Percussion students, if you didn’t see this information in your email, please see this letter for information about the instrumental music retreat on August 15. Questions? Email swillemssen@wheatonacademy.org.
College Corner
There are no new announcements at this time.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Every athlete, no matter the season of his/her sport, must have an updated physical and athletic packet in Magus before the first day of tryouts, or he/she will not be permitted to participate. Please contact Dawn Hamm at dhamm@wheatonacademy.org if you have any questions or concerns.
The IHSA has made the decision that we will be allowed to run the following five sports for the fall season. Below is the information for theses tryouts:
GIRLS TENNIS– Tryouts will begin on August 10and will run August 10-12 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Important information will be given to the girls on the first day of practice regarding the COVID guidelines. Coach Visker will be sending out an email to all interested families. Feel free to email him with any questions/concerns at jvisker@wheatonacademy.org.
BOYS/GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY– Tryouts will begin on August 10 at 3:15 p.m. at Wheaton Academy. Athletes will be required to run 3 miles in 25:30 minutes (boys) and 27:00 minutes (girls) as the conditioning standard. Feel free to email Coach Felinski with any questions/concerns at cfelinski@wheatonacademy.org.
BOYS GOLF– Tryouts will begin on August 10. Time and place TBD. Email Bob Broman at bobbroman@gmail.com with questions/concerns.
GIRLS GOLF– Tryouts will begin on August 10. Times and place TBD. Email Chip Dykema at cdykema@wheatonacademy.org with questions/concerns.