January 13, 2023
Upcoming Events
WA Men’s Prayer
Saturday, January 14
8:00 a.m.
Alumni White Chapel
On the second Saturday of every month, the men from Wheaton Academy meet to pray for our community and hear from one of our faculty/staff members. Please join us Saturday, January 14. This month we will hear from Wheaton Academy science teacher Stephen Zawicki. Light refreshments are served.
WA Women’s Prayer
God delights in keeping company with you ~ We invite you to meet WA Women’s Prayer on a Tuesday from 2-3 pm. Our upcoming dates include January 24 & January 31 to pray for our sophomore class, our own students, & this school community. We hope to see you at Luz Vergara’s place in the Armour Building. Contact Mary Miller at marym996.mac@mac.com.
General News
Winterim 2023
Winterim is off to a great start! Continue to be in prayer for all students, teachers, and chaperones in classes, internships and on trips.
No School and Offices Closed on Monday, January 16
There is no school and offices are closed on Monday, January 16 to observe Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Enjoy the long weekend!
First Week of Second Semester
The first week of school for the second semester will begin on Tuesday, January 24. (There is no school Monday, January 23 for a Faculty/Staff Professional Learning Day). We will run a regular bell schedule Tuesday through Friday.
Volunteer Corner
Volunteering is the best way to build community, make new friends, and create lasting relationships. Please click here to join us for a variety of opportunities where you can get involved.