April 17, 2020
Upcoming Events
Virtual Mr. WA!
Saturday, April 18
7:00 p.m.
Please join us this Saturday, April 18, for our annual Mr. WA performance! Since 2005, Wheaton Academy students have come together every year to put on a student-run production called Mr. WA. This event is designed to not only develop the community of the student body, but also raise money for the 25 Haitian and Dominican children that our school sponsors through our global ministry project, Project REACH. This year, the production will be virtual! Mr. WA will premiere on Saturday, April 18, at 7:00 p.m. Click hereto learn more about Wheaton Academy’s partnership with Kids Alive, donate, and watch the premiere on Saturday!
WA Women’s Prayer
Tuesdays, April 21 and 28
1:30-2:10 p.m.
Zoom Meeting
On Tuesdays, the WA Women’s Prayer Group will meet from 1:30 p.m. – 2:10 p.m. via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 954 300 588
Password: Prayer
Link to join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/954300588?pwd=ZjdVajg2dDE0Z1JzeUtiQUlJZlRjQT09
Please contact Sarah Gieser or Claudia Fabela with questions.
General News
A Message from the Principal
As many of you heard today, Governor Pritzker made the announcement we will have to finish school in an E-learning platform. This is such a disappointment as it is not what we wanted for the end of this school year. Our team has been planning for many scenarios, including this one, to ensure that our students have the best experience we can provide, given these circumstances. On Monday, April 20, I will be sending out an email and releasing a video with details you will need regarding the end of the year.
Our students and teachers have already persevered through these circumstances so well, and we will continue to do that as we complete the year. This weekend I am claiming Isaiah 40:28-31:
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Thank goodness that God does not get tired, and that because of Him, our hope and strength are real.
Blessings and gratitude – Kori Hockett
A few items:
- Thank you for your feedback on the survey last week. Please encourage your students to continue to provide their teachers with accurate information about what they need and how long assignments are taking. We want to work with students to help and support their individual learning needs.
- As much as we love having people on our campus, we have closed down our outdoor athletic facilities. Will you please help us enforce this by making sure that your kids stay off our fields until we get beyond this pandemic? We really appreciate your help with this. Thank you.
- As your students have needs, Wheaton Academy’s Student Services team is available and continuing to reach out to and help support students. They are continuing to provide academic and social-emotional support. Additionally, our college counseling will continue during this time to help juniors and seniors navigate. They will work with students to support them and help them succeed.
- If you need to reach one of our staff members you can email:
- Hollee Ball (hball@wheatonacademy.org)
- Erin Carwell (ecarwell@wheatonacademy.org)
- Gina Churchill (gchurchill@wheatonacademy.org)
- Kermit Ellison (kellison@wheatonacademy.org)
- Bart Gregersen (bgregersen@wheatonacademy.org)
- This weekend don’t forget to tune in to “virtual” Mr. WA on Saturday at 7:00 p.m.
- Next Friday, April 24, we will not have school. Students will have all classes Monday and Tuesday, and block schedule Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be a well deserved day off.
- If you are curious about some of the great things happening in E-learning, check out this link: https://wheatonacademy.org/e-learning-week-4/
Faculty Office Hours
Please click here for a list of virtual office hours teachers are available.
Health Office Update
We are praying that you and your family are staying well during this time! We want to continue to support our WA community and are available by email to answer any health-related questions or concerns you may have.
If any member of your household receives a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, please report this to our nurses by sending an email to nurse@wheatonacademy.org. This information will be used to monitor the spread of COVID-19 within our community and will be kept as confidential medical information.
We encourage families to continue referring to the following websites for the most current, factual information regarding COVID-19:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
- DuPage County Health Department
We are so thankful for the hope that we have in Christ during this uncertain time! We are praying for you! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Rachel Austin, RN
Julie Grant, RN
Wheaton Academy Tutoring Center – Help Available
The Wheaton Academy Tutoring Center tutors are busy helping students with their e-learning via FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, etc. If you would like more information on how to get help for your student, please go to wa-tutoring.org.
WA Service Team Sign-Ups
The Sign-Up link for the WA 2020-2021 Service Team is now live. You may click here to access it. We encourage students and families to sign up early. Contact Jim Holtrop at jholtrop@wheatonacademy.org if you have any questions. To read additional information regarding the WA Service Teams, click here.
Summer Academy
Summer Academy registration is now open. Please click here to register.
If you have any questions, please contact Angie Roberts.
College Corner
College Board PSAT/SAT/AP Update
We wanted to inform you that the PSAT and SAT dates in April and May have been canceled. Currently, the next scheduled SAT date is for the first week in June. We will keep you updated as information about these tests is released. You can find updates on the PSAT/SAT tests here: https://pages.collegeboard.org/sat-covid-19-updates
In regards to the AP exam, College Board has announced that AP exams will still be administered this spring, just in a drastically different format and with a new schedule. Students will be able to take tests from home on their computers. No action is needed from you to get students registered – this already happened as part of the initial registration process. Teachers of AP classes will be in touch with their classes regarding the changes and new test times. For your reference, please click below for updates on AP exam content and the new schedule. https://apcoronavirusupdates.collegeboard.org/students