2024-2025 Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid applications for the 2024-2025 school year opens on Wednesday, November 1.

Like last year, the deadline for a returning family’s financial aid application is December 31, 2023. This timeline allows Wheaton Academy to grant aid awards to returning families before new family aid awards are considered, as over 80% of our financial aid awards are distributed in February.

How to start your Financial Aid Application through Blackbaud Financial Aid

We have created custom instructions for your family to understand the next steps. 

  • All families who will need to apply for aid will be required to complete a financial aid application through Blackbaud Financial Aid
  • This requirement includes families who have received or may qualify for a tax credit scholarship through Empower IL, our primary scholarship granting organization.

For more information about this process, please click the option that applies to your family’s current (2023-2024) financial aid award category:

Deadline for Returning Families’ Financial Aid Applications: December 31

A note about Empower IL awards: As you may already know, the Invest in Kids Act Tax Credit Scholarship Program is under review with current Illinois lawmakers. It is possible that this program could end with the upcoming vote. This scholarship program has been a blessing to our school community over the years. It is a vehicle through which our school has provided over $1 million in scholarships to students each year, and its potential end has implications to our financial aid program. We will keep our community updated with any potential implications for our aid program regarding the vote. 


If you have questions related directly to filling out the application forms, how to upload required documentation, error messages, or other Blackbaud Financial Aid system questions, please contact Blackbaud Financial Aid Customer Service directly at 800-360-8027 or financialaidsupport@blackbaud.school. Their service is completely confidential.

If you have any other financial aid related questions, please contact Pat Brooke in the Business Office at aid@wheatonacademy.org.

Sandy Dede

Pat Brooke