One to One Device Policies

Students will be assigned a Dell Latitude for the school year that they can use for both personal and educational use. They may take their Dell anywhere they like, including off campus. Students enrolled for the following school year may keep their Dell over the summer. Upon graduation or earlier transfer from school, the assigned devices will be given back to Wheaton Academy.


Dell Accidental Damage, Repair and Replacement Policy

The Dells, pens, and chargers are the property of Wheaton Academy. For the first incident of accidental damage, there will be a $150 exchange fee. For the second incident of accidental damage, there will be a $250 exchange fee. Each following incident will increase the repair cost by $100 up to the full cost of the device. Students will receive a loaner device upon returning their device for repair. When repaired, students will exchange their loaner for their assigned device. Students will always pay the full cost of exchange or replacement for loss, theft, intentional damage, or reckless neglect. Failure to pay for repairs or repeated damage may result in denial of future repairs and loss of Dell Latitude privileges. Students must pay the full replacement cost for any loss or damage of the pen and charger. There is no insurance provided for the pens and chargers. Dell, pen, and charger must all be returned promptly and in good condition when a student graduates or transfers out of Wheaton Academy. Failure to return devices may result in withholding of diploma or official transcript.


Bringing Your Own Device

Wheaton Academy assigns all students devices prepared to work in our classrooms and on our network. Teachers may require the use of the Dell in the classroom and students should always have it available to use. However, students are welcome to bring their own laptops and tablets and use them on the Wheaton Academy network. The I.T. department does not guarantee the functionality, safety, or privacy of personal devices on Wheaton Academy’s network, and does not offer support for the use of personal devices. Students who bring electronic devices to school (including cell phones, iPads or other devices) are responsible for them. Wheaton Academy is not responsible if they are lost, stolen or damaged. During class time, cell phones, iPads and other electronic devices may only be used with teacher permission.


Privacy is Not Guaranteed

The administration and faculty may review files and monitor all student computer and Internet activity to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are acting responsibly. This includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail. Files stored on school computers have no privacy guarantee. All Internet access is logged, including personal devices connected to Wheaton Academy’s network. When using any device on the school network, Wheaton Academy does not guarantee protection against hostile attack from third parties on the network. There can be no expectation of privacy or safety when using personal or Wheaton Academy devices on the Wheaton Academy network.


Use is a Privilege

Use of the Internet and the school network is a privilege, not a right. Students who violate policies pertaining to rules of conduct, the acceptable use policy or Internet use will be subject to revocation of privileges, potential disciplinary and/ or appropriate legal action. Please note that revocation of privileges may cause failure in classes where network access is necessary.



Wheaton Academy makes no assurances, representations, or warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, regarding any Internet services provided. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user’s own risk. The school will not be responsible for any damages users suffer, including, but not limited to, loss of data resulting from delays or interruptions in service. The school will not be responsible for the accuracy, nature, or quality of information gathered through school-provided Internet access. Parents should take note that Wheaton Academy does not provide Internet filtering services for the 1:1 device off campus. This is considered the parent’s responsibility. However, Wheaton Academy provides mandatory training sessions for parents that provide resources on how to set up a safe Internet environment at home. These sessions will take place just before summer school and fall.


Parental Responsibility / Social Networking Sites

Ultimately, parents and guardians of students are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. We encourage parents to monitor student activity on social networking sites, such as Facebook®, Snapchat®, Instagram®, and Twitter®. Students are expected to uphold the Standards of Conduct in their use of social networking sites. Wheaton Academy’s network generally does not allow access to social networking sites. However, this does not prevent student access to social networking sites via personal devices.


Acceptable Use

The educational value of student Internet access is the joint responsibility of students, teachers, parents, and employees of Wheaton Academy. Use of network resources for noneducational pursuits, or activities inconsistent with the mission of Wheaton Academy are prohibited. All use must be lawful, noncommercial, and consistent with the educational mission and goals of the school. Students are not permitted to try to access information blocked by the school’s filtering software, to attempt to alter, or to otherwise circumvent the network configuration in any way. Wheaton Academy prohibits the use of cell phone “hot spots”, tethering, VPNs, or any other use of a shared personal Internet connection, including nearby Wi-Fi networks, for the purposes of circumventing the network restrictions. Students must respect the privacy of others and may only access resources they are permitted to use. Students must use only their own username and password– using any other person’s account is prohibited. Students must also abide by the Wheaton Academy Human Dignity Policy when using all technological resources, including school provided email accounts, OnCampus and the messaging system provided within. All online interactions with peers, parents, teachers, and staff must abide by the Wheaton Academy Human Dignity Policy. Wheaton Academy students must report illegal or otherwise unacceptable use of computers to the supervising teacher or the I.T. Department Staff. Students may not take advantage of, demonstrate, or otherwise inform other students of security breaches or loopholes.


Students who utilize these items inappropriately during class time will be disciplined appropriately. Use of electronic devices during passing periods, lunch, and/or other free time should be limited. Cell phones should not be used to take or distribute photos or videos of anyone/anything without their consent or prior approval for any reason while on campus. If a class requires video capturing, the students should ensure that appropriate permission is granted before recording anyone or anything. In order to provide the most efficient wireless infrastructure for our teachers and our 1:1 Technology Initiative, cell phones are not permitted to be connected to the Wheaton Academy Wi-Fi network. Additionally, as stated in our search policy the school reserves the right to inspect electronic devices (personal or school-assigned) if a student is suspected of or violates school policy.