September 17, 2021
Upcoming Events
Off-Campus Learning Day
Friday, September 24
Our first off-campus learning day of the semester is Friday, September 24 while faculty and staff have a professional learning day. Students will be able to access their assignments after 9:00 a.m. on this day.
WA Women’s Prayer
All Women of Wheaton Academy are invited to participate in WA Women’s prayer. We meet weekly; however, we invite you to attend as your schedule allows – from week to week, month to month….we want you to feel welcome to come and pray whenever time allows! The dates for September are:
September 21 & 28 from 1:30 -2:45 p.m. at Luz’s apartment in the Armour Building.
General News
Homecoming 2021
Student Council would like to invite all WA students to our Homecoming Informal on Saturday, October 9, from 7:00 –9:30 p.m. under the WA tent. This will be a night of food trucks, carnival games, yard games, and dancing. Tickets will be on sale starting September 29 for $25.00 per person or $30.00 at the door. Students can use pushcoin to purchase tickets. For information on all the week’s activities click here or email Jim Holtrop.
Interested in Sponsoring a Faculty or Staff Member for WA Appreciation Events?
The Wheaton Academy Appreciation team is seeking your help. Would you be interested in sponsoring a faculty/staff member of our school? Click here for full details and to sign-up. You may contact Sally Strzalka with any questions.
As of Monday, September 13, 2021, the DCHD has said that Test-to-Stay is now an option for schools pending they follow these guidelines:
Students may return to school after being named a close contact as long as they:
-remain asymptomatic and monitor symptoms daily before arriving at school
-test on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 and provide the test results to the school nurse after each test
-wear a mask consistently and correctly each day (mask exempt students would need to wear a mask unless medically contraindicated with a note from their doctor on file stating it would be harmful to their health to wear it)
-stay home if any symptoms do develop
If students are unable to comply with these guidelines, they can remain home in quarantine for 10 days. Wheaton Academy will begin allowing the Test-for-Stay procedures for any new quarentine situations beginning Monday, September 20.
You may click here to see the information from the DCHD.
Homecoming Volunteers Needed for Alumni Events
We need volunteers to help with Alumni events over Homecoming weekend, October 8-10, in the following areas:
Friday, October 8 (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)- set-up/ decorating for Alumni Dinner
Friday, October 8 (4:30-8:30 p.m.) – serving/clean-up at the Alumni Dinner
Friday, October 8 (8:00-10:30 p.m.) – serving/clean-up for the Alumni Dessert Reception
Saturday, October 9 (10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.) – clean-up Heritage Breakfast
We especially need people to help serve and clean up at the Dinner and Dessert Reception on Friday, October 8. Your service is a blessing to our WA Alumni. If you would be willing to help with any of the above activities, please contact Director of Alumni Relations, Dawn Earl, at 630-562-7510 and let her know of your interest and availability.
Donations and Volunteers Needed
Project Lead Global is hosting a Homecoming family tailgate fundraiser before the Thursday night football game on October 7 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. All proceeds raised will go towards the 24 vulnerable children Wheaton Academy sponsors in the DR and Haiti through Kids Alive International. We are looking for donations of food and supplies and parent volunteers to help assist in preparing and serving the food and helping with clean up. Please click here to sign up to donate and/or serve.
Homecoming Family Tailgate, October 7
You and your family are invited to be part of the Homecoming Family Tailgate, Thursday, October 7 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the parking lot next to Performance Trust Field. The Project Lead Global team hosts this event as a fundraiser for the 24 vulnerable children Wheaton Academy sponsors through Kids Alive International. For a donation of $5 per person with a cap of $25 for a family, you will receive a yummy walking taco dinner and will be able to hang out and play fun yard games. The Shack will also be selling cinnamon rolls, with proceeds going to Kids Alive International. Each grade can also earn homecoming points when they and their families attend.
Please come for a fun evening of food, fellowship, and football! The girls’ championship Powder Puff Game will be held before the varsity football game. If you have any questions, please contact Valerie Gregersen. We hope to see you all there.
Winterim Trip Rosters
Hello families! Click here to view the 2022 Winterim Trip Rosters. These are still subject to change, so please notify Amy Heavey if you have any questions.
You’ll be hearing from your trip leader soon with more details on important dates and information about your trip. Thank you all!
Winterim Classes
If you have an idea for a Winterim class or know of someone who may be interested in teaching a Winterim class, please reach out to Jenn Trott.
Senior Ads for Yearbooks
Parents, senior yearbook ads will again be available for purchase this year for $150 per quarter-page ad. If you order a senior ad, you do not need to order a yearbook through the Jostens website as that fee is included in the $150. The deadline for the ads is March 12. Ads can be sent to A check payable to Wheaton Academy may be sent to the attention of Jim Holtrop in the front office. You may click here for an example of the ad size and layout. The yearbook staff will gladly design the ad for you if you send in the photo images and text!
College Corner
Financial Aid Night
Wheaton Academy will host Paul Daly on Monday, September 27, at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Please join us as he speaks on “College Financial Aid.”
AP Exam Timeline
If your student is in an AP class this year, please click here to see a list of important dates and deadlines for registering, paying for, and taking the AP Exams in 2022.
The All-Access Passes are available for pick up in the Athletic Office between the hours of 12-3 p.m. If your student is in a fall sport, you should have received your family passes from the coach or team parent. If your child is NOT on a fall sport and you have not picked up your pass yet, please come to the athletic office between the hours of 12-3 p.m Monday-Friday and get your family pass. This All-Access Pass gets your family into every sporting event held at Wheaton Academy for free admission. A helpful hint: Take a picture of it and have it on your phone if you are all not arriving together.
Swimming at Wheaton Academy
Although Wheaton Academy does not have swim practices together, we do go to the Sectional Meet with students who practice and participate on club teams. Girl’s swimming is in the fall (sectional meet on Saturday, November 6) and Boys swimming is a winter sport (Sectional Meet on Saturday, February 19.) If your son or daughter is interested in participating, please contact Mr. Mack at