October 20, 2023
Upcoming Events
WA Women’s Saturday Prayer
October 21
Admissions Office (*Location Change)
9:00 a.m.
Every third Saturday, women from the Wheaton Academy community meet to pray for our school. Please join us on Saturday, October 21 at 9:00 a.m. in the white chapel for our next prayer time. We will hear from WA employee Lindsay Williams. Light refreshments are served.
Thursday, October 26 at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)
Friday, October 27 at 5 pm (doors open at 4:30 pm)
Saturday, October 28 at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)
White Chapel
The Academy Theatre presents THE CHRISTIE MYSTERIES, an Evening of Agatha Christie One Acts, including a jewel thief mystery and an attempted murder mystery, both guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Come see if you can figure out whodunnit in Agatha Christie’s AFTERNOON AT THE SEASIDE and THE PATIENT. Tickets are $10 and only available at the door on the night of the performances. Cash and credit cards are accepted. Seating is limited and doors open 30 minutes before the show begins.
Guys Campout 2023
October 27-29
Parents of Freshman through Senior boys… Guy’s Campout is a long-standing tradition of forging bonds across classes over a weekend of camping with outdoor fun including Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Soccer, 9 Square, Capture the Flag, campfires, and more. The cost is $100 and includes breakfasts, dinners & snacks plus a sweatshirt. Students can choose to lounge and relax with a card game or join in an impromptu soccer match, it’s up to them. We’ll bond over incredible food at mealtime and the adventure of a weekend camping in the woods. They won’t want to miss it. Students need A SLEEPING BAG, AN EXTRA BLANKET, WARM CLOTHES, and A TENT or TARP. Please encourage your son to register to attend Guy’s Campout! For questions or help with CAMPING GEAR? CONTACT SEAN MCCALLUM. Click here to sign up.
Navigating the World of Sexuality: A Parenting Seminar with Dr. Rob Rienow
Saturday October 28 – 9:00-10:30 AM – Alumni Chapel
Every teen struggles to one degree or another with their sexual formation and identity. With all of the chaos in our culture on these issues, we need to have a biblical game plan for walking this journey with our sons and daughters. Through this workshop, you will be equipped to parent your teen with grace and truth. Students, ages junior high and up, are welcome to attend. Light refreshments are provided. No cost, but pre-registration is required at www.visionaryfam.com/WA
Get to Know Wheaton Academy
November 9
6:45 pm
Middle school students and their parents are invited to Get To Know Wheaton Academy on November 9 at 6:45 pm. This evening will provide an opportunity for families to learn about our school’s commitment to academics, spiritual life, co-curricular activities, and college readiness, as well as experience the community, connection, and culture that Wheaton Academy offers our students and families. Our time together will include:
- Opening Welcome from Mrs. Hockett, Principal
- Individual Family Tours
- Meet and Greet with Teachers, Coaches, and Program Leaders
Join us and discover what it’s like to be a Wheaton Academy Warrior. Questions? Please contact Amy Burdett, Admissions Coordinator, or Amy Hogan, Director of Admissions
Save the Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Alisa Childers
7:00 pm
How can we help equip our kids to have a Christian worldview in an increasingly secularized culture? Join us on November 14 to hear from author, singer, and apologist Alisa Childers. She will share tips about how Christian parents can teach their kids discernment by exposing them to bad ideas in an age-appropriate manner and teaching them to analyze media from a biblical perspective. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Please use this link to secure your registration https://wheaton.typeform.com/alisachilders.
General News
New Bell Schedule Effective October 23
With our construction well underway, we have noticed that we needed to extend the passing periods before and after Chapel and Community Time since all students have to enter and exit one set of doors. Due to this, we will use an updated bell schedule which allows for a longer passing period before and after these events. Click here to see the bell schedule. This schedule will begin on Monday, October 23.
2024 Winterim Courses Will be Revealed Week of October 30
Our 2024 Winterim courses will be posted on the Wheaton Academy website the week of October 30. We will be offering over 40 exciting and different courses to choose from. Students will register online for an am and pm class in OnCampus at home during the following dates and times:
Seniors: Monday, November 6, 6:00-9:30 p.m.
Juniors: Thursday, November 9, 6:00-9:30 p.m.
Sophomores: Monday, November 13, 6:00-9:30 p.m.
Freshmen: Thursday, November 16, 6:00-9:30 p.m.
Specific registration instructions will be emailed home before registration begins. Please contact Jenn Trott with any questions.
Sophomore Class Rings
On Monday, October 30 during Advisory Sophomores will meet in the FAC for an assembly. Our representative from Jostens with packets on how to order class rings. Please be sure to ask your student to see the information.
Student IDs
Has your student lost or broken their ID? Please help keep WA secure by reporting lost IDs to the WA I.T. Department on the second floor of the academic building, next to room 202. Lost or broken IDs are $12 to replace, we accept only PushCoin. Students can stop by the I.T. office and we can print the new ID as soon as they pay with PushCoin. It takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Senior Picture Submission
It’s time to submit Senior Pictures for the Yearbook! If you did not use Prestige Photography for your student’s Senior Portraits, you are welcome to use another photography source, but we need you to submit a photo of your own to be included in the yearbook. Photos need to be submitted by December 20 to be included in the yearbook publication. We require a forward-facing portrait taken from the shoulders up, with a plain/non-distracting background. Please submit your student’s chosen picture via email to yearbook@wheatonacademy.org. Please also include your student’s first and last name. Please contact Kristen Rusthoven (krusthoven@wheatonacademy.org) with any questions. Thank you!
Executive Functioning Spotlight
How are your students doing in the eighth week of school? When assessing students’ executive functioning skills, it’s important to ask questions that can help you gain insights into their abilities and challenges. If you want more information visit our webpage at Executive Functioning – The Center for Lifelong Learning. If you have any specific questions, please email or call our certified executive functioning coach, Holly Taritas htaritas@wheatonacademy.org, 630-5627587. Click here for questions to consider.
Apply to Wheaton Academy for 2024-2025!
We are excited to announce that the Application for the 2024-2025 School Year is open! If you know any prospective students who are interested in Wheaton Academy, we invite you to tell them to APPLY NOW by visiting wheatonacademy.org/apply. Applicants who apply this fall will be considered for an early decision (before Christmas time).
Timeshare for Teachers
We are beginning to gather vacation opportunities for the Summer of 2024. Click here to learn about our Timeshares for Teachers program. If you have a timeshare, a privately-owned vacation home, vacation packages, or airline miles, we invite you, as a friend and supporter, to provide our faculty and staff a much-deserved vacation at little or no cost to them. This partnership is a direct opportunity for our teachers and staff and is not a donation to the Academy. We will put you in touch with the teacher who selects your property, and you will work directly with them to make all arrangements. The process for vacation selection by teachers begins in January. Please fill out the Timeshare Participation Form by December 1.
WA Appreciation Team
Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the WA Appreciation Team, a group of parent volunteers who plan, organize, and host two events during the school year for teachers and staff. These events help express our gratitude for all the ways teachers and staff not only teach, but inspire, nurture, and guide our kids throughout the school year. The WA Appreciation Team manages these events on behalf of ALL Wheaton Academy families and represents our collective gratitude.
We are already planning our first event, in December, where we serve coffee, donuts, and a Christmas blessing. You will also be hearing from us this spring, as we begin to plan an appreciation luncheon in April.
These events are funded solely through contributions from the school community (which are completely optional and not tax-deductible). Please click on the CheddarUp link to provide funds that will contribute towards making these events possible. Thank you!
College Corner
AP Testing Timeline and Deadlines
Please click here for important AP Test timeline information including signing up for tests and test payment.