April 24, 2020

Upcoming Events

WA Women’s Prayer
Tuesday, April 28
1:30-2:10 p.m.
Zoom Meeting

On Tuesdays, the WA Women’s Prayer Group will meet from 1:30 p.m. – 2:10 p.m. via Zoom. 

Meeting ID: 954 300 588
Password: Prayer 
Link to join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/954300588?pwd=ZjdVajg2dDE0Z1JzeUtiQUlJZlRjQT09

Please contact Sarah Gieser or Claudia Fabela with questions.

General News

A Message from the Principal
As we have moved into over forty days being apart from one another, many different feelings and emotions kick in – I can go from gratitude to grief in the course of a day.  Our students and faculty continue to do a great job in these circumstances.  Hard times reveal character, and this has revealed the character, perseverance, kindness, and hope of our students and faculty. 

I have been reading through the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua, and over and over, the words “Be strong and courageous, for the Lord is with you,” are repeated.  I think they are repeated because we all so quickly forget.  These words have encouraged me this week.  We are praying for you, your students, and your families that through this time, you would have courage and that you would know that the Lord provides us strength. 

Thank you for your on-going support.  Blessings to you this weekend – Kori Hockett

Some important information:

  • If your student is struggling with E-learning, please reach out to their teacher and Student Services.  We understand this affects all students differently, and we are working with families to help students find success in this time.
  • “HomeStaying” week will be May 4-8 – this is a fun week where we will have challenges, competitions, and other activities to engage our community.  Encourage your student to participate.
  • Beginning May 1, Friday flex days will be in place.  This will allow students to catch up on work and turn it in, get feedback from teachers, and get help where needed.  These days will also allow our 200 students who are taking AP exams time to study and prepare.

Faculty Office Hours
Please click here for a list of virtual office hours teachers are available.

Book Rental Returns
Some families have been asking how our book rental return will work since we are doing E-Learning. While we haven’t completely decided on the procedure, we want you to know that there will be a staggered drive-through drop-off for rentals on May 27, 28, & 29. We will communicate the procedure as details become finalized.

Senior Parents
We wanted to remind you about yearbook ads. Without any spring sports or activities, the yearbook, unfortunately, will not be featuring as many photos of our students as planned. So, we are extending the deadline for our senior ads. You may want to consider this ad as a way that you can honor your child during these times. Here is the information:

Parents, senior yearbook ads will again be available for purchase for $150 per quarter-page ad.  Fees for ads will include a yearbook at no additional cost.  If you order a senior ad, you do not need to order a yearbook through the Jostens website. You may click here for an example of what an ad should look like. Please submit ads by May 15.

WA Service Team Sign-Ups
The Sign-Up link for the WA 2020-2021 Service Team is now live. You may click here to access it. We encourage students and families to sign up early. Contact Jim Holtrop at jholtrop@wheatonacademy.org if you have any questions. To read additional information regarding the WA Service Teams, click here.

Summer Academy
Summer Academy registration is now open. Please click here to register.
If you have any questions, please contact Angie Roberts.

College Corner

There are no new announcements at this time.